Sunday, February 1, 2009

Safeway Club Card Emails

I received an email this past week from Safeway with the subject heading "Carolyn, six new specials picked just for you." I have gotten these emails in the past, but have never given them much thought. I generally delete them before ever reading them, just disregarding them as promotional marketing information that doesn't pertain much to me. Well, after sitting in class and hearing Dr. Featherman talk about Data Mining and how companies will send out promotional material to customers tailored to each customer's specific preferences, I decided to open it and check it out. Sure enough, it included it included items that are similar to products that I have bought in the past, like milk, bread, and vegetable party trays. But even more mind-boggling to me, it included a 2 for $4 discount on Eggo Waffles, which is something I buy nearly every trip I make to Safeway! I thought this was interesting. I never realized that Safeway, and other companies, look at what I buy as a Club Card Member and then use this information to offer deals to entice me to buy more of the same product. It's a little strange to think that there are special computer programs that anaylze my purchasing habits, but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. I'm actually thinking of running up to Safeway later in the day, and I might just have to buy some Eggo waffles that I know are on sale!!

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