Thursday, March 19, 2009

Old Spice Swagger Commercial

I was watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday when an commercial for Old Spice came on. The advertisement was for Old Spice's new product, Swagger. The advertisement featured LL Cool J who claims that Swagger helped him with the ladies. The ad shows a younger LL Cool J awkwardly approaching a beautiful woman and then squealing as he nervously walks away. He claims that was the old him before he started using Old Spice's Swagger. Now he is nicely dressed in a white suit, full of charisma, and has classy music playing. All thanks to Swagger.

In addition to being funny, I thought this commercial was interesting because I generally associate Old Spice with being a product for older men. With the introduction of this new product, Old Spice is trying to reach out to a younger market, and do so by using LL Cool J as a spokesperson to appeal to a younger audience. Through this advertisement and new product introduction, Old Spice is trying to change its image.

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